Friday, July 22, 2011

Loving This Dress For Summer

Published by 9AnGiE6 at 12:11 PM
How cute is this Ladakh Vanilla Kisses Dress?! It's totally on trend for summer with it's cream/blush color scheme and it's lightweight and fluttery — perfect for hot days. Check it out below and view their full collection at — amazing clothes at affordable prices!.

Tips on Packing for a Summer Trip:
*Pack lightly — bring the essentials and basics that you can use in several outfits.
*Stick to natural fibers — cottons and open crochets will let your skin breathe in the heat.
*Pack easy wearing, versatile pieces like a throw on dress that you can wear day-to-night.
*Slip slop slap (our Australian slogan for covering up and enjoying the sun) — Kaftans, wide brimmed hats and oversized sunnies for some extra sun protection!
*Pack lots of bright colors and have fun with your summer styling.

Hot Trends for Summer:
*Color is huge — experiment with bright jewel tones, mixing the tones together or teaming back with crisp summer neutrals. Another big color trend for summer — influenced by the 70's: burnt summer oranges/terracottas/earth reds, etc.
*70's influence is still around with the boho look having a big moment — floaty dresses, floppy hats, feather adornments, etc.
*Eclectic traveler — Ladakh loves the nomad inspired, rustic, earthy, well-traveled look. Design and style that looks like you've spent the summer roaming across the country picking up vintage and unique pieces along the way.


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